Congratulations on the server being 13 years old (stumbled across the actual date on the forums) on April 29th.
Thank you to everyone that has maintained, set up, run, developed, and oversaw the server all these years.
In my relative short time here, I have had the pleasure of meeting a couple people in passing. I am thankful for those that have taken the time to answer the questions I have, and even have gone a step further and explain things that are unique to this server over and over... and maybe over again.
Avanthar, huge thank you for fielding my past and on-going questions.
Lamb, Baron and Azrai: thank you all for offerings to help, and answering questions.
And one last thank you to someone I have not met, Exodus. Thanks for the videos.
I know I am a late arrival here, and most have moved on, but thank you none the less for putting all this together (and still having it up and running so many years later).
Once again Happy Birthday WP!