I will add some more to the list
\ = Guild chat. Type \ then the text you want your fellow guildmates to see.
shift + \ = Alliance chat. Type shift \ then the text you want your fellow alliancemates to see.
[pm = Personal Message. Type [pm and the players name to send them a pm.
[mail = Check the mail in your mailbox
bank = Opens your bank box if you are near a banker NPC
balance = Tells your bank balance if you are near a banker NPC
check #### = Makes a bank check in the amount specified in #### if you are near a banker NPC and have the gold.
[claim = Brings up a targeting cursor which will make bodies disappear and reward you with gold and tokens for keeping the shard clean. Be sure to loot before you use this command as it will pull the gold off the body, but not anything else.
[grab = Similar to claim but works with and area effect. If another player is too close to you, this command will not work. Be sure to loot before you use this command as it will pull the gold off the bodies, but not anything else.
i must consider my sins = Shows your fame and karma levels.
i pray for life = If you have more than 500 Karma, it will resurrect you at a cost of 5 permanent strength points and 500 Karma points. [You CAN train the strength back in time]
blood for the inferno = If you have more than -500 Karma points, It will resurrect you at a cost of 5 permanent strength points and add 50 Karma points. [You CAN train the strength back in time]
Hope that helps!